Paymasters is a restaurant specialist with over 70 percent of checks processed for employees in the restaurant/bar industry.


Paymasters specializes in processing payroll for the restaurant/bar industry with over 70 percent of the checks we process going to employees in this industry. We understand the unique needs of this industry, such as calculating your FICA Tip Credit, verifying your tipped employees receive minimum wage, and handling high levels of employee turnover.

Beyond standard wages, tip reporting and payroll tax filing, Paymasters provides you with the following specialized services and reports:

  • FICA Tip Credit Report - Paymasters will help you get the maximum benefit from this powerful business tax credit. We track your matching portion of FICA paid on tips in excess of minimum wage, which an amount to hundreds of dollars per employee per year. This report provides you the opportunity to receive the maximum benefit allowed.
  • Tip-to-Minimum Validation - Our system verifies the wages paid to your staff and the tips reported comply with minimum wage requirements.
  • Allocated Tip Reporting - Paymasters takes the mystery of meeting your TEFRA requirements. Regardless of how you record sales and tips, we have the flexibility to allocate tips and provide you with an easy to read Allocated Tips Report.
  • 4070 Tip Sign-Off-Report - We provide you with Form 4070, Employee’s Report of Tips to Employer. This report helps provide written proof of the tips your employees report and helps you fulfill your tip reporting obligations.

Contact us to learn more about Paymasters’ Restaurant Payroll Services.